Code With Bisky

Bisky Chat App Database Design [28]

Key Topics covered:

  • Collections Attributes and Indexes
  • Appwrite Application Integration
  • Firebase Integration


In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of creating collections and integrations of the chat application

1. Create users collection:

Users Attributes

Add users indexes:

Users indexes

2. Create contacts collection:

contacts Attributes

Add contacts indexes:

contacts Attributes

3. Create messages collection:

messages Attributes

Add messages indexes:

messages Attributes

4. Create chats collection:

chats Attributes

Add chats indexes:

chats Attributes

5. Create rooms collection:

rooms Attributes

6. Create callerCandidates collection:

callerCandidates Attributes

Add callerCandidates indexes:

callerCandidates Attributes

7. Create calleeCandidates collection:

calleeCandidates Attributes

Add calleeCandidates indexes:

calleeCandidates Attributes

8. Create groups collection:

groups Attributes 1 groups Attributes 2

9. Create group_members collection:

group members Attributes

Add group_members indexes:

group members Attributes

10. Create group_messages_info collection:

group messages info Attributes

Add group_messages_info indexes:

group messages info Attributes

11. All collections must have All Users permission. Go to Settings page of all the collections and add permission:

appwrite permissions

12. Add application integrations (iOS, Android):

appwrite integrations

13. Add iOS integration:

appwrite iOS integration

14. Add Android integration:

appwrite android integration

Create Firebase account Create a project with the integrations (iOS & Android) matching the bundle and package name, We are using it for push notifications and handling last online of our users. Add your google services into the android and ios folders that you created

15. Firebase Apps:

firebase apps

16. Create A Realtime Database and Add the following rules:

realtime database


You have managed to create the appwrite database, collections and integrations of the application.

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